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If you want to do well when taking TAFE* or university courses, it’s essential that you take care of your mental health. Studies have shown that Aussie students are under more stress than ever before. This is due to there being so many more distractions, and stressors than previous generations have had to deal with. It’s something that's given rise to the term academic burnout. 

What Does Burnout Mean In Academic Terms?

Academic burnout basically means your mind and body have become so overwhelmed by student life that they can no longer function to their most entire levels. It means when engaging with university TAFE* courses  that, you lose your drive, along with experiencing: 

  • A lack of interest and/or motivation
  • An impaired ability to concentrate
  • An inability to be creative
  • Decreased academic performance

It’s common to feel lethargy and an aversion to facing your learning, and it only worsens with time. Obviously, this is a real barrier to your personal development and overall academic success.

What Are The Causes Of Academic Burnout? 

In layman’s terms, academic burnout is caused by exhaustion in the face of your study demands. It can happen to anyone and is much more likely when:

  • Extracurricular activities like socialising become too much of a priority
  • Students become isolated due to over-focusing on studies
  • Physical fatigue from having also to work a part-time job
  • Having high expectations of yourself
  • Struggling with the course content itself
  • Changes in relationships
  • Financial worries 

Anything that impacts your learning can be considered a contributing cause of academic burnout, so it’s not all about staying in and prioritising your study.

How Do You Overcome Academic Burnout? 

When trying to avoid academic burnout, you have to consider that there is usually more than one thing at play. As such, it's about doing as many of the right things as you can. Let's dive in and see what those things include:

  • Get Plenty of Outdoor Time - studies have shown that a great way to reduce your overall stress levels is to get outside and enjoy some of what nature provides. Whether talking about a stroll in your local park or a riverside picnic, be sure to seize on opportunities to get away from campus and really connect with the outside world. You might be surprised at how much of a difference this can make. 
  • Set Time Aside For Fun - as they say, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and that’s an expression that absolutely applies here. Sure, you should be working hard on your studies and overall personal development plan, but you also need to unwind. As such, it’s not something that you can afford to miss out on as you'll soon lose your motivation otherwise.
  • Get Regular Exercise - another great de-stressor is regular exercise. It's important to exercise at least three times per week in conjunction with a good diet in order to maintain your health and it just so happens it helps the mind too. The good news is that there are lots of apps like Nike Run Club and 5 Minute Yoga free to download and use to support your efforts. 
  • Set Achievable Goals - sometimes you can push yourself too hard on university and TAFE* courses, as you right want to excel in your studies. However, if you set targets that are unattainable, you're just going to self-impose so much pressure that it can hold you back. Set reasonable goals, and if you exceed them - then great, but you’ll avoid breaking down under what is unnecessary pressure.
  • Don't Procrastinate - everyone procrastinates from time to time, but when engaging in further education, it's not a habit you want to get into. Deal with what's in front of you when it's in front of you rather than putting it off until later. If you don't, the pressure and stress can get too much as you attempt to recover lost ground. 

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of things you can do to avoid burning out during your study. In summary, it's all about eliminating the factors that make learning more difficult. Whatever makes you happier and more balanced is going to help your study.

Support Study On Uni or TAFE Courses With OCA Online Learning 

The great news for anyone about to head into further education is that OCA short courses online are here to supplement your learning and increase your chances of success. Moreover, our video-based learning is also CPD-Endorsed, giving you 1 CPD point every hour completed. That's right; our courses even make you more employable! 

The reason why our online training is so popular is that we offer a learning experience that transcends traditional text-based options. Many of our students tell us that we offer the best online education Australia has to offer, but you don't have to take their word for it. Watch our Student Study Demo, and you'll see aspects like the fact that every OCA student is fully supported with 1-to-1 mentoring.

Our entire course library covers over 20 different professional sectors - something you can see by visiting us today at There you'll also see that we offer flexible payment options that make our already cost-effective learning even more accessible. 

*What is a TAFE?

TAFE stands for “Technical and Further Education”. TAFE institutes are government-funded Registered Training Organisations (RTO's) that offer Vocational Education and Training relating to a specific industry or occupation. 

TAFE Alternatives 

There are other private (non-government funded RTOs) that offer accredited courses (just like TAFE). 

Although Online Courses Australia is NOT an RTO, OCA has formed partnerships with a small number of RTOs to offer RPL or CREDIT from selective Micro-Credentials towards RTO (accredited) courses.  Look out for Accelerated Learning Pathway on our website. 

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