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Stress is the body's response to pressure; it's a feeling of emotional or physical tension that may leave you frustrated, angry, or nervous!

A lot of people go through some kind of stress when they study - whether it’s from a lack of understanding, lack of concentration,  pressure from an exam or general, everyday personal struggles. Stress is a part of life and will be experienced by every student, but there are ways to help you cope. 

Study Smarter, Not Harder!

You’ve probably heard this saying a million times, but what exactly does studying smarter, not harder, mean? Studying smarter and not harder means that you study in a way that works best for you. This is the best way to relieve stress as you won’t be sitting at the library for 12 hours twiddling your thumbs; instead, you’ll figure out the best methods for yourself and will get more done in an efficient way. Though studying smarter is different for everyone, the concept is simple – find out what works for you and apply it. Some ways that’ll help you study smarter and keep stress at a minimum include:

  • Having a study space that is comfortable to work in and has minimum distractions
  • Create deadlines for yourself so you have a set time to finish something
  • Have study goals so you know what you want to achieve in that study session
  • Using the Pomodoro Technique to work efficiently

Following these simple tips can help you study smarter and keep stress at a minimum. You’ll work more efficiently and in the best way for you and your studies.

Nap Time! Get Some Rest:

Who doesn’t love a good rest? We aren’t just speaking about getting some shut-eye, but did you know there are other ways that you can relax in order to avoid that stress when studying? We are referring to the idea of mental, physical and social rest. This includes:

  • Mental rest: Relaxing your mind by switching off the television and thinking about something that makes you happy. When you take time away from all the busyness, you can really avoid stress, so it's important to switch off from time to time and get away from the technology.
  • Social rest: It's constantly refreshing to catch up with friends, family or colleagues and have a good conversation with a couple of laughs. Sometimes all you need is some banter with a good friend, so make sure you create time to relax and enjoy someone’s company because it can help you deal with stress.
  • Physical rest: Everyone’s favourite - resting your body and rebooting by taking a nap for 20 minutes or more. By getting some sleep, you’ll be able to wake up rejuvenated, and stress will be at a minimum.

A healthy adult doesn't need to nap but can benefit from a nap of 10 to 20 minutes or 90 to 120 when needed to recover! Check out the napping guide HERE so you know just how long to sleep. 

By getting more of these kinds of rest, not only will you be able to be more relaxed, but you’ll be able to keep stress at a minimum because it’ll assist in a positive mindset. Resting is vital for the brain and memory, so taking some time out and switching off is essential.

Have A Study Balance: Avoid that stress when studying

Life is all about balancing; sometimes, when you don’t have that balance, you can quickly become stressed. By having a mix of study and non-study activities, you’ll be able to have a structure in your day-to-day life. With the maintenance of this balance, you’ll learn how studying smarter not harder, and getting rest plays a vital part in dealing with stress.

Online Courses Australia is a cheap, affordable, short mental health courses that are CPD Endorsed training provided that covers more than 20 different professional areas; give us a call today on 1300 611 404 or email our friendly team at [email protected], and we’ll be happy to talk to you through some of your course options.

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