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Being a leader means different things to different people. Everyone’s interpersonal skills  are different, so it stands to reason. One way in which some people lead is by example, which can be very effective in certain circumstances - which is what we’ll be looking at here.

Why Are Leadership Skills Important For Success? 

As a franchise owner, leadership skills are vital, as they allow you to develop your vision, goals, and overall direction. They also empower your staff to reach their full potential, motivation, and direction. Leadership is central to everything you do.

Do The Best Leaders Lead By Example? 

Absolutely, as there’s no mileage in simply barking out orders; leading by example means practising what you preach, so if you want staff to be punctual - be on time yourself every day. If you want your team to greet customers a certain way, be sure to demonstrate it every chance you get!

Of course, interpersonal skills  like leadership have a flip side, meaning that the negative things you do can adversely influence your team. So, to illustrate things further, let’s take a look at just a few instances in which leading by example can be really impactful.

Scenario #1 - Staying Late For A Big Project

There’s a big project that needs to be finished, requiring extra work at weekends. As the leader, you make sure that you’re there with everyone else. Doing so will signal to your staff that you’re willing to do everything you ask them to - meaning that there will be no feelings of resentment from anyone because everyone’s being treated fairly.

Scenario #2 - Company-Wide Learning Is Required

Next, there’s a company update that requires everyone to take some free online courses  to give them the knowledge they need. By being the first to complete it and being vocal about the fact you have, you encourage everyone else to follow suit. Again, as people see the fact you’re doing it just like them, they’re that much more likely to do what’s necessary without complaint.

Scenario #3 - Covering For A Colleague's Absence

In a good team, staff will cover for each other if anyone needs a day off for personal matters. However, not everyone’s super helpful in these kinds of instances. So, while it might not always be possible - if someone needs help with the cover, providing it as the leader will show compassion and understanding and encourage others to help each other out in the future. 

While you can’t lead ultimately by example as a business owner, it certainly helps things to operate more smoothly and keep your staff happy. So, having this ethos is undoubtedly something that will benefit you, your business, and those who work for you. Of that, there is little doubt.

Become A Better Leader With OCA Online Training 

There are many facets to being a good leader, and leading by example is just one of them. If you’d like to become a better leader yourself, it’s never been easier to develop your abilities thanks to CPD Endorsed, video-based leadership courses online, such as our great value Leadership Skills Bundle.

OCA students are well-looked-after, too, thanks to 1-to-1 mentoring that’s available 7 days a week and 24/7 tutorial support. So, if you’d like to know more about what is a next-level learning experience, you can either watch our Student Study Demo or visit us online at, where you’ll find our full course library that covers more than 20 different industries.

Alternatively, to speak to a member of our friendly team about your learning requirements, getting in touch is simple. All you need to do is call us on 1300 611 404 or email us at [email protected], and we’ll get back to you as fast as we can.

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