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There are many interpersonal skills that need to be mastered for a professional to be thought of as a good communicator, and diplomacy and tact certainly fall into that category. Useful in a variety of professional situations, having both qualities can make you a valuable member of any team.

What skills are required for diplomacy? 

There are actually quite a few you’ll need to work on as part of your personal development plan, with empathy, understanding and good communication. Conflict management is another, along with patience and non-verbal communication. All come together to make a person have diplomacy and tact.

What is the significance of soft skills in career growth? 

Soft skills are every bit as important as hard skills, which is why there are tafe online interpersonal skills courses dedicated to developing them. So, before we look into how to demonstrate these qualities in your working life, let’s take a brief look at both in isolation.

What Is Diplomacy? Well, it’s about identifying the best solution in every situation, so it involves influencing others to find common ground, whilst not offending anyone. It’s an essential skill for your own work relationships, as well as helping those your colleagues have with each other.

What is Tact? Closely linked to diplomacy, tact is another interpersonal skill that is focused on using judgement to be sensitive to the thoughts, needs and beliefs of others. For example, if someone has recently had bad news, you’ll need to take it into account when talking to them. This, in essence, is what being tactful means.

Demonstrating Tact & Diplomacy At Work

So, now we know what tact and diplomacy are in terms of interpersonal skills, we now turn our attention to how to demonstrate these abilities at work. Let’s take a look at a few of the ways to do so.

Think Before You Speak

You don’t need to take free online courses to know that what you say has a direct impact on others, but it’s easily forgotten. So, when trying to be both diplomatic and tactful at work, it pays to think before you speak. Sometimes, pausing for thought before talking can literally mean the difference between a working relationship that functions and one that doesn’t. Embody this every day and you’ll succeed. 

Become an Active Listener

A wise man once said “you have two ears and one mouth for a reason” - meaning you should listen more than you speak. This absolutely applies in the work sphere, as being an active listener will help you enjoy better relationships with your colleagues. People like to feel like they’re being heard, so whether talking to your peers or subordinates, make sure you listen and listen well.

Pay Attention to Body Language

Communicating with others is not just about the verbal side of things, as your body language can contradict what you might be saying. For example, if you’re trying to appear diplomatic and you’ve got an aggressive stance, it can give out the wrong signals and derail your efforts.

Non-verbal communication is an important aspect of your interpersonal skills, so you need to be aware of it to avoid conflict or misunderstandings from arising.

Work On Your Interpersonal Skills  The Easy Way With OCA

Tact and diplomacy are important parts of anyone’s communication skills, as we’ve seen here, but if yours are a little lacking, don’t fret. That’s because developing your soft skills has never been easier, thanks to video-based, CPD-endorsed learning that can be taken at a pace that suits you.

Put together with the help of industry experts and able to be paid for in manageable instalments, our online training offers a mentally stimulating and convenient way to learn new skills. To find out more, visit us today at, where you’ll find learning that covers 20+ industries and comes with one-to-one mentoring, 7 days a week.

Alternatively, if you’d like to know what OCA’s next-level learning experience is like, take a glance at our Student Study Demo or give us a call on 1300 611 404 and we’ll be happy to talk you through your options.

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