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The Beginning Of My studies:

I remember when I first started my doctoral studies. I attended an open academy- an annual conference on a range of subjects relevant to PhD research. One of the academics teaching at the conference asked the group whether we felt like a fraud for being there. Imposter syndrome or the fraud-like feeling many professional and successful women (and men) have, is prevalent within academia. We often think that it is a fluke that we got to where we are and that sooner or later, we will be found out. It’s common. So common that Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, even dedicated a small part to the subject in her book, Lean In.

Imposter Syndrome Explained:

Impostor Syndrome was coined by two American Clinical Psychologists in the 1970s as a definition for high-achieving individuals who are unable to feel like they achieved their goals through their own capabilities but fear being exposed as a phony. It is common among high-achieving women who often gravely underestimate their abilities. 

If you constantly feel like a fraud at work or university, knowing that imposter syndrome By focusing on your talents and taking an objective stance will help offset any thoughts of not being good enough. If you are particularly prone to feeling like a fraud, carry around a list of achievements. These affirmations will be a helpful reminder of what you have achieved so far. They will help you realise that you have not achieved the things you have by chance or fluke, but by hard work and talent. You can also ask a trusted friend, colleague or mentor for feedback on your skills.

Studying A Short Course Could Help?:

We offer so much more than just our short courses! To find out more, speak to one of our course coordinators today!

The courses we offer at OCA are video-based and follow the micro-learning model, meaning that you can fit your training around your current work or family obligations. Got a spare 5 minutes? Then take a module on your smartphone, and you’ll have the knowledge you’re looking for before you know it. If you’d like to know more about this or any of our CPD-approved courses, visit us today at

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to our team about your training needs, they’ll be more than happy to give you the benefit of their considerable expertise. You can reach them by calling us today on 1300 611 404. 

Sarah Tottle 
OCA Mentor 

Study A Mental Health Course Online With OCA


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