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SMART is a foundational coaching technique that has permeated everyday life. It’s a valuable tool for setting life goals, whether big or small.

In this blog, our OCA mentor, Sarah, discusses how you can use SMART and coach yourself to get ahead.

Self-help and professional development tips mean that many of you can start the process of achieving your dreams from the comfort of your own home. Self-coaching allows you to achieve your goals, even if that means setting them from your very own couch. “Nothing happens unless first a dream”, said Carl Sandberg, and he is right. Dreaming up a life worth living starts within your very own mind; it is your mindset that carries you through to developing your visions and goals. It is your imagination that sets the scene.

There are many valuable tools to help you achieve your goals. The most commonly used is the SMART model, which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. In essence, the SMART model allows you to set specific goals that are realistic. You must also set a time limit to achieve them, making them objective and transparent. However, SMART is not the only method. Developing a vision or mission statement is helpful too. 

  • Specific (simple, sensible, significant).
  • Measurable (meaningful, motivating).
  • Achievable (agreed, attainable).
  • Relevant (reasonable, realistic and resourced, results-based).
  • Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive).

What Are Your Objectives? 

Every New Year, I make it my mission to set new aims and objectives for the coming year. It is almost like my life success strategy. I enjoy having a plan. While it is essential to acknowledge that things may not go exactly according to plan, having some form of wish list helps keep us on track. It saves us from going around in circles while also acknowledging that we should still be open to new and possible opportunities. 

The aims and objectives are the why to the what. Therefore, it is essential to ask the all-important questions about your choices. Are your goals in line with your passions? Do they fit within a bigger vision for your life? And most importantly, are they your goals? The last question allows us to take inventory of our lives and screen out any goals that do not inherently belong to us; they are society’s expectations, or perhaps our parents or peers have pressured us. Whatever the reason is, choose to set goals that align solely with your values and beliefs. 

A Mission Statement is also helpful in planning your vision. It enables us to think futuristically and retrospectively from that of our 80-year-old selves. It allows you to focus on how you would like to be remembered and the legacy you would like to leave behind.

Read more8 Best Life Coaching Courses & Training in Australia (2024)

Being Goals Committed

It is important to be committed to achieving your goals. Keep in mind the bigger picture and why you have decided to achieve this goal. This will encourage you to stay motivated, even in the face of obstacles.

Traits like commitment are socially desirable; they reinforce others’ beliefs in ourselves. Choosing goals that are altruistic and form something bigger than ourselves is much more likely to be achieved in the long run. Remember, it is important to understand the why to the what. Happy goal setting!

The courses we offer at OCA are video-based and follow the micro-learning model, meaning that you can fit your training around your current work or family obligations. Got a spare 5 minutes? Then take a module on your smartphone, and you’ll have the knowledge you’re looking for before you know it. If you’d like to know more about this or any of our CPD-approved courses, visit us today at

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to our team about your training needs, they’ll be more than happy to give you the benefit of their considerable expertise. You can reach them by calling us today on 1300 611 404. 

Sarah Tottle 
OCA Mentor 

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