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Whether we like it or not, high blood pressure is a significant health issue in Australia, with around 6 million adults suffering from the problem. That equates to around 34% of the adult population, but the good news is that it's an issue that can be combated with a healthy diet and by educating yourself by studying online nutrition courses. 

By far, the most effective step you can take in this regard is to enjoy a heart-friendly diet, as the effects can be significant. So, to help you along, we're now going to look at 5 different foods that can proactively reduce your blood pressure as part of a controlled, healthy eating regime.

#1 - A Good Range Of Vegetables

Of course, you don’t need to take nutrition courses to know that vegetables are a healthy option, but what's perhaps not communicated in the way it should be is that regularly consuming veg can greatly reduce your blood pressure. 

Getting a good selection of veg from all five of the main groups will give your body all the nitrates it needs to regulate it properly. Consuming lots of vegs also fills you up, which in turn assists weight loss, reducing the work your heart has to get through.

#2 - All Types Of Fruit

Again, it doesn’t take a medical PhD to know that fruit is healthier than cake, but its ability to help bring down your blood pressure is unknown to everyone. Fruit typically represents a great source of magnesium, fibre and potassium, all of which help to reduce it.

Fresh fruit is usually best, but canned varieties can often be just as effective, so long as you avoid brands that add extra sugar or salt to the fruit when it’s processed.

#3 - Wholegrain Foods

Something else you’ll pick up in good nutrition courses is the need to include whole grains in your diet for healthy blood pressure. Whole grains help to support heart health and are known to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease by as much as 30%.

So, when you’re in the cereal, pasta or bread aisle at your local supermarket, try and aim for wholegrain varieties, and it’s important also to keep an eye on your portion sizes to effectively manage your weight.

#4 - Reduced-Fat Dairy Products

As mentioned earlier, weight plays a big part in a person’s blood pressure levels, with dairy products often contributing a lot to the problem. However, it’s possible to drastically reduce the damage caused by foodstuffs like milk and butter by opting for reduced-fat brands. 

Bear in mind that you’ll notice the difference most when trying out reduced-fat dairy products for the first time, but it can quickly become the norm and be the product you naturally reach for when shopping. After a while, you won’t even remember what the full-fat versions tasted like. 

#5 - Seeds & Nuts

Nutrition courses often extol the virtues of seeds and nuts, and for very good reason. They’re simply jam-packed with proteins, vitamins, minerals and unsaturated fats. This makes them super-satisfying and able to bed down your hunger without the need to consume high-fat foods.

They also offer an added bonus in that their consumption is strongly linked to lowering LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. 

Flexible, Micro-Learning Nutrition Courses From OCA

When you include these five foods in your diet, you’re automatically going to be on the road to a healthier body, as they’ll typically be used instead of unhealthier options that contain saturated fat. This is just one of many nutritional aspects that can be learnt by fitness professionals and health-conscious people alike with flexible, affordable micro-learning nutrition courses from OCA.By studying nutrition courses, you will also have the opportunity to expand your mind in the world of nutrition. 

If you’d like to know more about our full range of CPD-approved training, all you have to do is visit us at and take a look around. There you will also see that we've made our courses (that cover over 20 different industries) even more accessible with a selection of flexible payment plans.

However, if it’s advice or guidance you’re after, just give us a call on 1300 611 404, and we'll do our utmost to provide the answers you're looking for. 

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