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If you’re leaving school soon, you should be engaging in career counselling in some shape or form. If you’re not, then you’re absolutely missing out on what is a vital service for people in your position. The effects of not having it can have an adverse effect not only on your personal development but also on your overall career prospects.

What Is Career Counselling For Students? 

A career counsellor's job is to provide advice on how to achieve your professional goals and give you a helping hand in the right direction. They can suggest suitable careers, appropriate online studying and actionable steps to get you where you want to go.

You still have to do all the work yourself, but the guidance they provide can be critical in finding the right job field for your skills and personality.

How Can Career Counselling Help School Leavers? 

When leaving school, you’re venturing out into the big wide world - something that can come as quite a shock if you’re not prepared. You can get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of choice if you’re not one of those lucky people who know what they want to do from an early age.

That’s why a career counselling session or two can help, as it helps define your path. We’ll explain more now as we look more closely at why getting assistance like this is a no-brainer.

Understanding Your Attributes

Many young people aren’t as self-aware as they will be when they mature, which is one of the reasons why the help of a career counsellor can be helpful. They can take a look at you, your academic record, hobbies and interests to narrow down the professions that are suitable to you as a person. 

Getting clarity on your best direction is an essential early step that can save you years in your professional and personal development.

Establishing A Mindset For Success

Confidence plays a big part in anyone’s career - perhaps no more than when you’re young and just leaving school. A career coaching professional can help you to build your confidence while establishing a success mindset. This can be done by helping you to set goals and understand what you’re good at.

Sometimes, your best attributes may not be apparent to you, but someone who helps people for a living will know where to look. They’ll also give you essential feedback on what you should work on.

No Wasted Years

As we alluded to a moment ago, making the wrong decision at the outset can cost you years in your career plan. Many students go to University and get a degree they’ll never use in the job they finally occupy - meaning that all that time and effort won’t mean much when looking for recruitment online in your desired field.

It’s absolutely worth reiterating that making the right decisions early in your life puts you at an advantage. A career counselling professional can ensure you make all the right moves.

Teaching Valuable Life Skills

After a person has spent years in full-time study, they often don’t have what you might call real-world skills. A career counsellor can help you in that regard, as they can support you in things like interview techniques, CV writing and more. 

These are elements that will help you a) get noticed by employers and b) get you employed, so in every sense, insight like this is worth its weight in gold!           

As you can see, career counselling  is there for you to be used, and the good news is that it’s accessible to school leavers. If you’re not currently receiving this kind of service and would like to, visit the government’s School Leavers Information Service, which tells you how to access it.

Boost Your Career Prospects With OCA Online Studying 

Your employability in the professional world will depend much on your skills. Still, the good news is that enhancing yours is easy when you engage in OCA’s video-based CPD-endorsed online studying courses. Easy to digest and fit around your obligations, our training offers a next-level learning experience. Take a look at our student study demo to see for yourself!

You’re well supported when learning with us, too, thanks to the 1-to-1 mentoring support, 7 days a week, that comes with every course in our library. Visit today, and you’ll find training covering more than 20 different industries, so we can help you, regardless of the career you choose.

If you have any questions about our online courses, we’re more than happy to answer them. All you need to do is call our friendly team on 1300 611 404 or email us at [email protected], and we’ll reply as soon as humanly possible!


Study Entry-Level Counselling Courses Online


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