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When it comes to young children and how they learn, it’s about keeping them interested. Educational games play a central part because they provide this learning in a stimulating way and help kids to feel less like they’re in a lesson and more like it’s playtime!

In this blog, we’ll briefly examine why play is such an essential part of a child’s development before covering the early childhood education courses that are there to help. These educational courses can be taken online to progress professionally in the field or by people looking to become better parents.

The Advantages of Games In Online Education

Educational play is crucial to any child’s development, as it encourages their young minds to improve their language, communication and problem-solving abilities. Not only that, but it helps to improve their fine motor skills and all in a way that doesn’t feel like those boring old-school classes.

Many of the educational games for kids that exist revolve around allowing children to express themselves. It’s about letting them think for themselves outside of the boundaries associated with formal education. Educational games are also instrumental in teaching young kids the desire of wanting to learn, which is often half the battle.

What Materials Do Educational Games Require

When trying to teach young children through play, you don’t need to spend a fortune on materials. Highly effective educational games for kids can be created using coloured building blogs, paints, paper, drawing materials, puzzles and basic matching games.

A good selection of materials is advisable, as you don’t want to repeat the same game too often and when you employ a nice blend of creative activities, pretend play and puzzles, you’ll make sure that things stay fresh enough to retain their attention for the duration.

Early Childhood Teacher Courses

The great news is that if you are looking to get started on a career in early child care, there is a wealth of online training that can help you get there. At Online Courses Australia, we offer a comprehensive range of early childhood courses online for working in child care as a teacher’s aide and more.

In addition to this, we also offer a Teacher’s aide sampler course for those people still unsure whether they’re suited for a career in the sector. All of these cheap, affordable courses can be taken at your own speed, very much putting control of your professional future in your own hands.

Online Childcare Courses That Fit Around You

So, if you’re someone who’s considering early child care as a career or you’re looking to simply be a better parent, you can find our full range of online childcare courses by following this link. Our courses can fit your current obligations and be paid for in easy-to-manage instalments, so there’s nothing stopping you from pursuing your dream job.

Alternatively, if you’d like to see the full range of online training we offer, visit us online at where you will find a huge range of online education for various professional sectors.

If you have any trouble signing up for any of our online childcare courses or you simply have some questions you’d like to answer first, call us on 1300 611 404, and our friendly experts will be all too happy to assist in any way they can.

Sample extract from our online Childcare Course Bundle, Topic - Implement Strategies for the Inclusion of all children.

Demonstrate a belief in children’s capacity to succeed in all interactions with families and children. As the lead educator, you hold the key to unlocking each child’s full potential. Believing in each child’s capacity to succeed must be reflected in your daily practice and evident in all your interactions with children and their families. Positively communicating with children and families at every opportunity helps build the trust and bond required for a successful relationship between your service, the child, and their family members.

Naturally, since we are all individuals, there will be significant variations among children in the things they want to do in order for them to prove to themselves that what they believe about themselves is true. It is the educator's responsibility to ensure all children are presented with opportunities to succeed.

Activities that allow the child to perpetuate their positive self-image are activities that they know they are good at and can achieve success each time. If you want children to adopt certain behaviours, they must be able to do them well. That is, a child must be able to do something well before they will do it automatically, free flowingly and competently.

It is essential that all children see value in themselves and are able to understand that they each have their own individual strengths, which are valued by their peers. A limited program that does not adequately cater to the variations within the group will not provide all children with opportunities to demonstrate their individual strengths.

If a child spends the whole time at your service doing things that reinforce relative weakness, their self-esteem will be diminished by the experience. This does not mean that every experience you plan must allow the child to excel. Instead, it simply means your program needs to include a balanced distribution of opportunities across all children’s areas of strength.

In planning opportunities for children to experience their individual strengths, your program needs to respond to children’s individual differences. A principal determinant of the activities you plan should be the ages of the children you are planning for. Each opportunity must enrich the development of each child’s self-concept and self-esteem. Other aspects that may have a bearing on the activities include their gender, family background, lifestyle, abilities, cultural beliefs and practices, temperament, interests, and acceptance of their peers.

The style of interaction, formal, informal, planned, spontaneous, small or large group, etc. It will also play a part in influencing what is prepared and presented.

By holding onto the belief that every child has the capacity to succeed, you will design your program to include various activities and experiences that will allow each child to succeed. The next step is to ensure you demonstrate this belief in your interactions with children and their families; this can be done through how you communicate. Later in this chapter, you will discuss the importance of working in partnerships with families, which will allow you to demonstrate this belief.

If you would like to preview more online childcare courses, click on DEMO above or call our team on 1300 611 404. You may also be interested in these similar childcare courses.

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