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If you’re looking to make a success of your business, you need to have good marketing and to be a successful marketer, there are certain skills required. The good news is that there is a range of communication, marketing and customer service course options available, which we’ll tell you about shortly. 

But first, we’re going to talk about the top 5 skills that you’re going to need if you want your marketing to hit the high notes and attract the custom that you desire. So, if you’re ready, we’ll waste no more time and get stuck in…

Skill One - Adapting to Market Changes 

There aren’t many certainties in business, but one thing is for sure, nothing stands still for long. The first of the skills you’ll need is the ability to adapt to changes in the market. While you might have had success with one approach, there’s no guarantee that it will work forever, so you need to know how and when to switch tactics.

Skill Two - Problem-Solving

Something else you may not necessarily need to make any sales and marketing courses for is the ability to solve problems. When a client or customer throws you something you weren’t expecting, you might need to quickly come up with an answer within a restricted time frame. Therefore, good problem-solving skills are something of a must.

Skill Three - The Ability to Tell a Story

A skill that sales and marketing courses certainly will help you with is storytelling. It’s one of the cornerstones of effective marketing, as you need to be able to communicate in a way that your readers will be able to relate to. 

For instance, if you’re trying to tell people why they need your product, you need to know how to put it into context, so as to make the necessary emotional connection and illustrate the requirement. This is what we mean by storytelling.

Skill Four - Communicating Without Jargon

What you don’t want to do when communicating with your target audience is confuse or patronise them, and unfortunately, that’s what can happen when you use too much industry jargon. It might be common parlance for you, but it’s not necessarily the case for your readers, so the ability to communicate clearly in a jargon-free way is essential.

Skill Five - Great Customer Service 

Even if you take all the sales courses out there, they’ll count for naught if your customer service skills aren’t up to scratch. That’s because customer retention is a vital part of any business, as you can’t hope to survive if you continually have to replace lost customs through poor service. Getting your customer service right is perhaps one of their most important factors.

Get the Skills You Need In the Most Flexible & Convenient Way

At Online Courses Australia, we offer a wide range of online training, such as our Advanced Sales & Customer Service course, which can give you all the skills listed here and more, giving you a much greater chance of succeeding as a marketer. What’s more, our courses are industry approved and contribute 1 Continuous Professional Development (CPD) point for every hour taken.

So, if you like the sound of adding to your skillset with cost-effective micro-learning that can easily fit around your current work obligations, visit us online at Or give us a call on 1300 611 404 today if you have any questions you’d like answered prior to enrolment.

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