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There is perhaps no more important life skill to learn for a child than reading and writing, and these literacy skills are worked on every day at school. Some kids take to it like a duck to water, but most need to work hard at it, and if your child falls into this much larger group, the support you can provide can help.

In this blog, we’ll be looking at how you can help your child from an early age, with the assistance you provide making a big difference in their progress. In this sphere, you shouldn’t underestimate the benefit of some good parental guidance. 

Read With Your Kids Regularly

Some out there will tell you that when raising children, you shouldn’t try and teach them to read too early; however, when done right, that’s not the case. It’s not really possible to introduce the concept of reading to your kids too early, as there are studies that show that reading stories to them from a very early age can be really beneficial. 

Have Lots of Conversations With Your Kids

During their early formative years, kids absorb much information about the world and how it works. It might seem silly to some to try and have long conversations with a toddler, but it can work wonders for their literacy skills. At first, you’ll help them learn how to make sounds and then, in time, words, and it’s by watching you talk that this is achieved - so it’s essential that you do. 

Get Your Kids to Tell You Stories

Another great way to improve your child’s literacy skills is by getting them to relay stories to you. Now, we’re not talking about them reading from a book necessarily; instead, using their imagination to tell you about something that’s happened to them or about one of their favourite fairy stories. This helps them to use and develop the creative side of their brains that they’ll use more once they’ve mastered the alphabet.

Learning to Support Learning With an Online Parenting Course

When your child’s learning is supported actively by you, it makes the path to mastering their literacy and numeracy skills much smoother. If you lack inspiration about how to go about things, you can learn what you need to know by taking an online course like our Improve Your Child's Literacy Skills course. 

We offer a range of parenting course options at OCA to help your child develop, and they can be taken at your own pace, with all tutoring being conducted online. So, if you’re a parent or indeed an educator looking to improve the support provided to children in your care, you can find out more about what we’re talking about by visiting us online at

However, if you’d like to speak to us directly about your short course needs, we’ll be delighted to take your call. Simply ring us at 1300 611 404, and we’ll talk you through your options. 

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