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Providing children with a healthy, nutritious diet is essential for their development, moods and vitality. That said, it’s not as easy as it sounds to get children to eat what they’re supposed to, rather than what they want to. This is where child nutrition courses online can really help!

Whether talking about nutrition training for child care providers or simply education to help parents better feed their kids, studying a short course online allows you to learn at your own pace. The principles are the same, and here we offer a few creative ways to get kids to eat veggies.

Tip #1 - Mix Veggies In With Their Favourite Food

When thinking of recipes to get kids to eat veggies, why not harness the power of their favourite food? For example, if the child in question loves mashed potatoes, you can chop up all kinds of colourful vegetables and mix them into a ‘special’ mash that makes them big and strong!

Sure, it might require a degree of encouragement, but when finely chopped and included, there's no reason why you can't get lots of yummy nutrition in there.

Tip #2 - Bake Your Veg For A Tasty, Crunchy Alternative

When focusing on child nutrition for the long haul, you need to think about providing various tastes and textures. For those times when they’re in the mood for something crunchy, you can bake thinly sliced vegetables like carrots and peppers in a bit of vegetable oil for a nice, tasty treat.

The great thing about this kind of snack is that it's nice and colourful, so they look as good as they taste and are much better than grabbing a bag of chips!

Tip #3 - Turning Making A Pizza Into An Event!

Something else that you’ll learn when taking child nutrition courses online is that getting kids to take some of the responsibility is a great way to get them engaged. One way you can make that happen is by making something of an event by putting pizzas together.

With a plain pizza base, you can have bowls of various types of veg and cheese which really allow them to get creative and make their own meal. A side-effect of this fun activity is that they get to try a range of different veggies that they may not have wanted to eat before - as they made it!

Boost Your Career With Child Nutrition Certification

As any parent will tell you, providing excellent child nutrition isn't as simple as putting healthy food in front of children, as some psychology is usually required. The good news is that child nutrition certification in the form of the Healthy Eating for Kids Certificate from OCA provides you with the ‘how?’ and the ‘why?’ of nutrition for children. By studying nutrition courses, you will also have the opportunity to expand your mind in the world of nutrition. 

All of the courses we offer, covering over 20 different industries, are created in collaboration with top industry experts, so you know that what you’re learning is relevant and valuable. To find out more, visit us today at, where you’ll see that our students are fully supported by 1 on 1 mentoring support, 7 days a week.

To find out what learning with OCA is like, please see our student study demo or talk to us directly about anything else; give us a call today on 1300 611 404. Our team is ready and waiting to help you find the perfect solution for your needs.

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