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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder - or ADHD for short - is something that affects one out of every 20 Australian children, with boys being more prone to the condition than girls. As online learning teaches us, diagnosis is pretty much impossible in children under the age of four, as it can be almost indistinguishable from those ‘terrible twos’. 

Whether you’re a parent or a childcare professional, being able to spot the signs of ADHD is essential so as to get the proper treatment. That’s what we’re looking at in this article before we finish up by showing you how flexible, affordable online learning can help anyone develop their childcare knowledge.

The Various Symptoms of ADHD

The symptoms of ADHD and typical two-year-old energetic exuberance are pretty similar, with tantrums, impulsiveness and a short attention span representing just some of the shared behaviours. However, any parent will tell you that some of this kind of activity is relatively normal, but there are also some distinct differences to watch out for.

2-3-year-olds without ADHD will have all the same hyperactive tendencies as those with the condition. Still, they can also focus on specific activities like tidying up after themselves and sitting quietly when asked to. Online learning shows us that these are tasks ADHD sufferers often aren’t able to complete.

Extreme Behaviour Is More Likely

One of the hallmarks of ADHD is extreme behaviour that often disrupts relationships and activities. Also, for a diagnosis to be given by a doctor, these problems will need to have been persistent for a period of 6 months or more and in multiple settings, such as nursery school and home. 

Clear signs of ADHD include:

  • Restlessness, combined with a desire to jump and climb on furniture
  • Boundless energy and constant activity
  • An inability to stop talking
  • Poor concentration
  • They struggle with settling for naps or meals

When suspecting ADHD in children over four years of age, parents need to talk to their doctor for a full evaluation. Then, parents and childcare professionals will better understand how to look after the child’s needs, knowing whether they have the condition or just natural boisterousness. 

Develop Your Childcare Skills With Flexible Online Learning Course

Spotting issues like ADHD is just one element of a wide body of knowledge you’ll need as a parent or childcare provider. The good news for anyone wanting to develop their knowledge in this area is that modular online learning can deliver it at your own pace and on your own terms.

Our Support Learning In Your Child Course is just one example of what we’re talking about—the full range of short course options able to be found on our website There you’ll also see that these comprehensible video-based, CPD-approved courses can be paid for using one of a selection of instalment options. 

Alternatively, if you’d like to talk about the different Childcare Courses prior to enrolment, then all you need to do is call us today on 1300 611 404. We’re ready and waiting to show you how simple and stress-free a career change can be. 

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