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There are three main types of dementia - Alzheimer’s Disease, Vascular Dementia and Lewy body Dementia. Each one works differently, but the ultimate result is the same - a person who invariably ends up needing round-the-clock care. Being that carer can be tough and more than a little draining, which is why getting time to rest and concentrate on yourself is vital.

Dementia Australia recommends respite care as a way to get the break you need, with government funding available to those who need it. By reading on, you’ll find out more about why it’s crucial for dementia carers to have time away from their responsibilities, as well as how dementia courses online can help you better understand the needs of those with the condition.

Recharging Your Batteries:

What is dementia to a family carer? Well, it’s something that dominates their lives, often isolating them from the outside world. It can also be incredibly worn on the body and mind; if they don’t look after themselves, they become less able to provide the necessary care. In that sense, looking after the carer is every bit as important as looking after the patient.

The reasons why family carers are prevented from having breaks include the following:

  • Prioritising their own needs and health last
  • Lack of awareness of the help that's available
  • I do not feel like they deserve any kind of break
  • Feeling as if organising help is too much of an aggravation
  • Not wanting to hand over responsibility to another

As TAFE online courses on dementia tell us, respite care can be accessed for the duration, with the time away ranging from an hour or two up to multiple days each week. With care workers coming to take over, the carer can get out of the house on their own to deal with admin, visit friends or even just have a rest away from things. 

It’s also better for the person being cared for when the family carer gets a break, as they get a better standard of care from a happier, more energised person. No one should have to give up everything about themselves to look after someone else, and with respite care, help is at hand. 

Expand Your Knowledge With Dementia Courses From OCA:

It’s never simpler and more convenient to expand your knowledge of dementia, whether you’re a family carer or someone looking to carry out the role professionally. Dementia courses online, like our Supporting People With Dementia Course, can be taken at a pace that suits you, is video-based and modular - meaning it’s easy to digest and counts towards your CPD points. 

If you would like to know more about what makes our stimulating training courses the best for your requirements, visit us at There you’ll see that every one of our courses can be paid for with flexible plans that make them even more accessible.

However, if it’s advice, guidance or a career change you’re after, we’re happy to provide the answers you need - something you can get by calling us today on 1300 611 404. 

Study Entry-level Aged Care Courses Online


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